Friday, March 23, 2012

i'm the loud one


that's what they call me. that's what they say i am.

actually they don't have to say anything.

their step back and their stare says it all.

gosh, you're loud. hey lady, you're loud.

i know it. and it doesn't phase me.

because in most parts of my life i'm quiet. sometimes too quiet.

but not here. not at my son's match. not at my son's meet.

here i'm loud. here i'm screaming. here i don't care who sees me.

because i need him to hear me.

i need him to know i'm on his side.

i want him to know he has someone in his corner.

and not just him but all the kids on the team.

i yell for them too.

i'm loud on their behalf.

because i need them to hear me.

i need them to know i'm on their side.

i want them to know someone is in their corner.

and i don't think that happens enough in life.

where we forget how we look for the sake of someone else.

where we purposefully make sure someone knows they are not alone.

and everyone needs a cheerleader. everyone needs to hear encouragement.

and if no one else will do it, i will.

i'll be the loud one for them.



it's Five Minute Fridays over at and today i'm trying it for the first time. she gives the prompt (today it's the word "loud") and then you write for 5 minutes unedited. it was fun! if you're a blogger, try it too!!!

here's the rules....

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back to her blog and invite others to join in.
3. Please visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

the most important choice

there are some who think the gift of life
is nothing more than chance
and a baby is not real when it's conceived

and i guess they must accept this
because it's easier to sleep
when a mind has only good things to believe

but the Lord of all creation
is looking at this world
and wondering if we'll ever find it wrong

to carry out a sentence
that always ends in death
to the little one whose voice is not yet strong

we can find a million reasons
to justify this right
and we can find a way to make our conscience small

but when we think we're smart enough
to play around with life
we forget about the greatest loss of all

for we might not see their faces
and we might not hear their cries
and we might not know the path they would have found

that doesn't change the impact
our power could have held
when we had the chance to turn this world around

God doesn't give us babies
to see how we'll react
or to argue when it's life will first begin

He gives us all these blessings
in hopes that we might see
that this important choice belongs to Him.

colleen laquay urbaniuk

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

i love when God finds you

i love when God does that.

when He finds us right in the middle of our hiding.

when He seeks us out right in the middle of our excuses.

when He calls out in that still small voice to remind us that He needs us to be us.

not our neighbors.

not our friends.

not someone else we wish we were.

He needs us to be us.

He needs you to be you.

He needs me to be me.

and everything we need to be ourselves, He's already given us.

everything we need to be who He needs us to be is inside of us.

you should be you.

i should be me.

how simple.

how true.

how great.

here's the post i read today that gave me this realization. you should definitely check it out:

i stand in awe of God!!!

Keep your eyes on Jesus

Peter found himself in trouble. He saw someone walking on the water towards his boat.  He thought it was Jesus, but he wasn’t totally sure. ...